Understanding exactly what is IoT; understand the evolution of the internet, understand the architecture of IoT
Arduino Programming steps are explained with real time industrial applications.
The course is delivered through Arduino and different types of sensors.
End of Module Assessments enable instructor to ascertain whether students have understood the program.
Student feedback helps tweak the course content.
Introduction to IoT –Understanding IoT Fundamentals.
IoT Simulation
IoT Simulation Using Arduino.
I2C, SPI protocols
I2C based LCD Display and Real time clock.
Wireless Networking & IoT protocols.
Networking Layers and protocols.
Bluetooth controlled home automation
Bluetooth controlled Robotic ARM.
Zigbee based communication.
Cloud Platform for IoT
Basics on Cloud computing.
Basic programs in Node MCU.
LED controlled by internet protocol.
Send a sensor value to the thing speak cloud
Read the public channel data from the thing speak cloud.
Home automation using IoT
By The End Of Course The Learner Will:
Hands on experience using Arduino, NodeMCU.
Learn about the two wire communication protocols.
Have a knowledge about sensors and wireless networking
Practical knowledge about cloud computing.
Knowledge about the MIT app inventor